Thursday, August 18, 2011

I hate salespeople.

Especially when they pretend to be "Quit Coaches" from Blue Cross Blue Shield's Stop Smoking "support" line.

This BCBS stop smoking "support" thing is feeling more and more like another way for Big Pharma to find new ways to shill their products to more people as sneakily and indiscriminately as possible.  One of the first things my "quit coach," Jeff, told me was that he was going to get some basic information about my smoking history and habits before we decided what medication I could use.  Like it was a given that I would choose medication.  And the speed in which he was ready for my Visa number when I mentioned an interest in nicotine gum!  "That'll be $59.99."  I told him I had to think about it first.  Then the call I got at work at 3:59 this afternoon from Diane from BCBS, asking me for that credit card number again.  REALLY?  FUCKING REALLY?  I think I will quit on my own from now on.  Fuck this pretend bullshit.  More sales, disguised as something else.  This is the kind of thing that makes me loathe salespeople.  This is the kind of thing that makes me want to throw my purchases across the store when I am repeatedly asked to sign up for a store credit card, where the minimum-wage cashiers are forced to ask the most ridiculous kinds of bullshit lead-in questions designed to lure people in, like, "would you like to save 15% today?" instead of something true, like "would you like to apply for this credit card?"  This is the shit that makes me fucking hate the shit out of everything about this goddamn system we live in.  Fuck your pretending to give a shit about whether or not I quit smoking.  Your job is to sell me your employer's fucking product, while building rapport with me, the customer.  I get it.  I've done it.  I hate you.  Fuckers.

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